Partnership With Ford

Five cable types from HELUKABEL will be used by Ford in their future production operations. This is what was determined by the car manufacturer in a new technical specification. The products include flexible control ( TRAYCONTROL 550 TPE and MEGAFLEX 650 ), power ( TRAYCONTROL 670 HDP ) and motor ( TOPSERV 600 VFD and 650 VFD) cables. From body construction to vehicle assembly, they can be used reliably in all areas and they are highly resistant to oil. Furthermore, the cables are certified in accordance with Ul for open, unprotected installation in cable ducts on the machine – perfect properties for use in a production facility.
With its latest technical specification, Ford ensures that all production plants around the world use the same components and that the machines are easily interchangeable between sites. “We are very proud to be the partner of a company that is as prestigious as Ford,” says HELUKABEL USA President Markus Dannheim. “Our global network allows Ford and its suppliers to integrate our cables into their production operations with no problem, wherever they are in the world.”