New Trainees at HELUKABEL

For many young people, an apprenticeship or dual work-study programme at HELUKABEL is the first step on the path to a successful career. Eighteen of them set out on this exciting journey on September 1 in Hemmingen and Windsbach. Always at their side: Training Manager and HR Officer Alexandra Wellinger.

New Trainees in front of the building
Eighteen young people build their future career with an apprenticeship or dual work-study programme at HELUKABEL which began on September 1 at the Hemmingen and Windsbach sites.

From warehouse logistics specialist to industrial sales representative to business IT specialist: HELUKABEL prepares young people for their future careers with a total of four apprenticeships and five dual work-study programmes. Since 2019, Alexandra Wellinger has been looking after her protégés with passion and commitment. Her biggest challenge? "Fulfilling the needs of every trainee and student. It is important to respond to each and every one individually, to form a team and thus to get the best out of them," she explains.

Alexandra Wellinger's relationship with the trainees is characterized by respectful interactions, reliability, honesty and fairness. This is based on reciprocity, she thinks: "When I started at HELUKABEL two years ago, it was the trainees at that time who made my start a lot easier and who embarked on this new adventure with me. I am very grateful for that and would like to give that back to all the other cohorts." Having an open ear for concerns and wishes is therefore just as natural for her as doing joint excursions and activities with the new members of the HELUKABEL family.

Portrait Alexandra Wellinger
Responsible for the future specialists at HELUKABEL since 2019: HR Officer and Training Manager Alexandra Wellinger.

According to Alexandra Wellinger, the relaxed and pleasant atmosphere contributes a lot to making HELUKABEL a particularly attractive employer. "The trainees and students enjoy coming here - that is an important prerequisite for long-term success," she emphasizes. Added to this are the extensive development opportunities: "Almost all of our former trainees are still with us today and, with our help, have become valued professionals and leaders," Wellinger is pleased to say. "This shows that our concept works - and both the young people and the company benefit from it."

The training manager knows what she's talking about - after all, she has an impressive professional career herself, from a secondary school diploma to attending a school of commerce, completing an apprenticeship and graduating from university with a bachelor's and master's degree. "I'm the best proof that with enough dedication and the right support, you can achieve any goal," she says. "And that's an attitude I'd like to pass on to my trainees and students."

You can find out more about training and career opportunities at HELUKABEL here .
