The HELUKABEL Easter Contest
Hunt for Easter eggs in our new product finder and win great prizes!

The Easter Bunny is coming to visit HELUKABEL - and this time he has chosen our new product finder as his playground. As of Monday 11 April, an Easter egg will be hidden on one of our product pages. Anyone who finds it has the chance to win a great prize!
And this is how it works:
1. Go to HELUKABEL’s product finder at
2. Use the hints on our social media channels
3. Find the product page where the Easter egg is hidden
4. Send an e-mail with the correct article number and your contact details to

Our product finder’s intelligent search and filter functions are sure to put you on the right track. And to make it easier for you to browse through our product portfolio of over 33,000 stock items, we'll share a useful hint every day on our social media channels until Easter Sunday to help you find our Easter egg. The best thing to do is to follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter!
We have 15 HELUTOOL Crimpset 5 in 1 crimping pliers to award among the winners: These are multifunctional, convertible and have multiple application possibilities, making them the perfect tool for every electrician. Or maybe you will win one of our unique HELUKABEL puzzles? Make sure you take part, it's worth it!

You can find the terms and conditions of our Easter contest here.
HELUKABEL is wishing you every success in your search and a happy Easter!